Gold medal! Won the entire Playoff B! Congratulations!
2:nd highest goal count per game among the teams in Under 13 (2008) (1.2)
2:nd highest goal count among the teams in Under 13 (2008) (6)
Foruden Williams Landing FC spillede også 4 andre hold i Under 13 (2008 born and younger).
Williams Landing FC gik videre til Playoff B, efter at de kom på 3.pladsen i Pulje A. Herefter sikrede de sig en førsteplads i slutspillet efter at have slået Dandenong City Soccer Club Dandy City U13 Red med 3-2 i finalen. Williams Landing FC vandt altså Playoff B i Under 13 (2008 born and younger) under Goals FC 2020. 5 kampe spilletMål |
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