Registration for Goals FC 2023 - Youth 5-a-side Cup 2023

🏆Welcome to the Goals FC Youth 5-a-side Cup 2023

IT'S SUMMER TIME! Play some fun off season competitions with your team mates, school mates or just your own social team!

See below information about registration. All teams will play 7 rounds

📆 Rounds

Round 1: Saturday 18 November 2023
Round 2: Saturday 25 November 2023
Round 3: Saturday 2 December 2023
Finals : Saturday 9 December 2023

⏰ Provisional Weekly Kick Off Times - times may change

12:30pm - Under 07/08
01:15pm - Under 09/10

✍️ Entry Fees:



🏆 Trophy for Winning team and player medals
🏅 Runners-Up medals


Goals FC Moorabbin 1-3 Lennox Street Moorabbin 3189




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Your registration

Contact information

Choose in which categories to register


Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to PLAYER REGISTRATION ($80pp) Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Enter name of club above first Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list


Norway Cup is a meeting place for children and youths from all over the world, and our vision is to be "the world's largest and most important venue for the joy of sport and friendship". We constantly work with partners on social action projects. The SDGs set out 17 goals to improve our world and we want to encourage our participants to help us take action. Choose one goal that's important to your team and follow our website and social media for fun activities and competitions in the lead up to the tournament. Read more about the SDGs here:

Choose a goal


Specific terms for teams

General Terms and Conditions

Please read the text below and check the box to indicate that you agree to the terms within


Make sure that all your players are insured both on and off the playing field. Goals FC does not provide any player accident insurance protecting participants in case of injury, illness, theft or damage to property. Goals FC will not be held liable or responsible for any damage or injury to any player or parent during the tournament.

Goals FC has Public Liability Insurance and has ensured the venues that stage the matches have adequate Public Liability Insurance.


2.1 Before the event

As a general rule, we don’t provide refunds for teams who withdraw from the competition unless a replacement team is confirmed. If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact us as soon as possible so we can try to work out a solution.

2.2 During or after the event

Refunds will not be provided for matters concerning referee's decisions or any other similar matters. Refunds will not be provided to teams that are expelled from the competition due to a breach of the code of conduct.


This event and any person attending may be filmed, photographed and/or recorded. By remaining at the venues and by entering the event:

3.1. You acknowledge that you have been informed that you may be photographed and/or filmed and/or recorded and you give your irrevocable permission to be photographed and/or filmed and/or recorded.

3.2. You grant your irrevocable permission for your likeness, mannerisms and/or voice to be included in any content from such filming, photographs and /or recording (and edited) without compensation and/or credit, which content may be communicated and/or exploited in any and all media worldwide in all perpetuity.

If you do have any objection, please contact or a member of staff at the tournament.


The event will be fully catered. Full canteen services will be operational near all the courts serving delicious hot food and drinks (hot and cold), as well as yummy treats for those with a sweet tooth. Please support the local caterers.


In the event that the tournament can’t be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of the tournament organisers (force majeure) or due to events that are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence or the tournament organisers, the tournament organisers cannot be held liable by the delegations for any damages, costs or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, costs for additional orders, financial losses etc. Under these circumstances, the tournament organisers reserve the right to either retain the entire registration fee and to use it for a future tournament, or to reimburse the delegations after deducting costs already incurred for the tournament's organisation and which could not be recovered from third parties.

Goals FC and organisers are in no way responsible for injury or economic loss which may arise in the case of acts of terror, war, warlike events, civil war, revolution, pandemic, disease outbreaks or civil disturbances or because of the actions of the authorities, strikes, lockouts, blockades or similar events.

Accident Waiver and Release of Liability

namely the Goals FC as stated above, including by way of example and not limitation, any risks that may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being released from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained, or controlled by the camp, or because of their possible liability without fault. I certify that I am physically fit and have completed the medical questionnaire and/or have not been advised to not participate by a qualified medical professional. I certify that there are no health-related reasons or problems, which preclude my participation in this activity or event.

I acknowledge that this Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form will be used by the event holders, sponsors, and organizers of the Goals FC as stated above and that it will govern my actions and responsibilities at said activity or event.
In consideration of my application and permitting me to participate in this event, I hereby take action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and assigns as follows:

(A) I WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE from any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released, for my death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me including my travelling to and from this event,

(B) I INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND WILL NOT SUE the entity and/or persons organizing this event and waive them from any and all liabilities or claims made as a result of participation in this activity or event, whether caused by the negligence of release or otherwise. This includes participation in any hazardous activities. I indemnify VIC Futsal Cup against any damage suffered by myself, my child/children and next of kin.

I acknowledge that this activity or event may test a person’s physical and mental limits and may carry with it the potential for death, serious injury, and property loss. The risks may include, but are not limited to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, condition of participants, equipment, vehicular traffic, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, and event monitors, and/or producers of the event, and lack of hydration. These risks are not only inherent to participants but are also present for volunteers. I hereby consent to receive medical treatment including calling an ambulance which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during this activity or event.

•I understand that at this event or related activities, I may be photographed. I agree to allow my photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the event holders, producers, sponsors, organizers, and assigns.
•The accident waiver and release of liability shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.


Codes Of Conduct
The main aim of the Goals FC is not only to help develop quality footballers but more importantly quality people with values and morals that will be used in their future lives and careers, whatever that may be.

In order to achieve this goal, we need to maintain the ideal environment so the young boys and girls learn valuable lessons for life.

Respect should always be present on and off the football field, respect for the referees, for the coaches, for the opposition, for the supporters, for their own teammates and for the facilities they use. Our common goal is to educate and further equip the young boys and girls with the skills and the right attitudes that will help them achieve their goals in the future, both on and off the field.

Fair play is a vital component to keeping an ideal learning environment for the players. Let’s not just focus on the results from the games, but rather on the performances and the improvement the players and the teams are making each time they play. Remember that there is something far more important at stake than the result of a game, that is providing the opportunity for young players to practice good habits, learn from their mistakes and to express themselves.

The below Codes of Conduct shall apply to all players, team officials and supporters at the tournament. By entering or attending this tournament, you agree to abide by the relevant Code of Conduct below.

Any breach of the relevant Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action by Tournament Management. This may include the offending individuals, teams and/or clubs being suspended and/or expelled from the premises and not be allowed into future events or programs.

Players Code of Conduct
“For the good of the game”

•Winning at all costs isn't everything; at this age learning is more important than winning.
•I will only participate if I’m eligible and of the right age for my relevant team in the competition
•I will only listen to my coaches’ instructions during training and games. No one else.
•I will not engage in the use of crude, foul or abusive language that may be deemed offensive or engage in any conduct detrimental to the image of the game when on or off the field.
•I will never argue with the referee and/or assistant referees regarding decisions they make.
•I will treat participants, officials and spectators with respect.
•I will play by the laws of the game.
•I will cooperate with my coach, teammates, and referees ad officials at all times.
•I will not use any banned substance or drugs of dependence throughout my involvement in the tournament.
•I will display good sportsmanship at all times.
•I will play for the fun of it and not just to please parents and coaches.

Parent and Supporters’ Code of Conduct
"For the good of the game"

•Under no circumstances must you enter the field or technical areas at any stage during the tournament
•Provide all correct documentation as requested to prove your child’s date of birth and identity
•Do not abuse referees under any circumstances
•Do not abuse the event staff under any circumstances
•Do not coach your child during training sessions and games. That's what the coaches are there for; it sends mixed messages to the players creating confusion.
•Do not interfere with training sessions, stay clear of training and playing areas.
•Cheer on and encourage the players at all times, including the opposition. Applaud good football all-round.
•Winning isn't everything. Players need to develop and at this age learning is more important than winning.
•Remember that children play sport for their enjoyment, not yours.
•Encourage children to participate, do not force them.
•Focus on the child's efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
•Encourage children to always participate according to the rules.
•Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game.
•Remember that children learn best by example, applaud good play by all teams.
•Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
•Respect officials' decisions and teach children to do likewise.
•Show appreciation of coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate.
•Respect the facilities that are being used.
•Keep clear from technical areas, benches and change rooms during games and tournament. This is the ideal time for coaches to teach players without any interference
•Always follow the instructions of the referee and/or tournament staff.

Team Officials’ Code of Conduct
"For the good of the game"

•Do not abuse the referees under any circumstances
•Do not abuse the event staff under any circumstances
•Wear your official tournament accreditation at all times
•Ensure all players are eligible and or the right age and ability level for the competition your team is competing in
•Remember that players participate for fun and winning is only part of the fun
•Never ridicule or yell at players for making mistakes or for not winning games
•Be reasonable in your demands on a player’s time, energy and enthusiasm
•Always operate within the rules and spirit of the game and teach your players to do the same
•Ensure that the time players spend with you is a positive experience. •All players are deserving of equal attention and opportunities
•Avoid overplaying talented players. Less developed players need and deserve equal playing time
•Ensure that the equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of all players
•Display control, respect and professionalism to all involved with the sport. This includes opponents, coaches, officials, administrators, the media, parents and spectators. Encourage players to do the same
•Show concern and caution towards sick and injured players. Follow the advice of a doctor or tournament first aid staff when determining whether an injured player is ready to recommence training or competition games
•Coaches: Obtain appropriate coaching qualifications and keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and the principles of growth development and conditioning of junior players
•Any physical contact with a player should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the player’s skill development.
•Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every player regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, playing ability, cultural background or religion
•Refrain from over coaching during games, let the players play and learn from their own mistakes
•Set the example. Players look up to coaches as role models. Display behaviours that you want your players to follow.
•Always follow the instructions of the referee and/or tournament staff.


•In order for an age group to go ahead, 4 teams is required, should this quota not be reached, we will use our discretion to amalgamate age groups or move teams into the most suitable age group.
• Once registered, you must register each player. All players must be registered to your team and age group, and hold a valid FFA ID to prove age
• Boys is also deemed as mixed, girls can play in boys teams

Personal information

Choose payment method

This registration needs to be paid by card
Card payment not required since you are administrator

Choose what costs to pay upon registration


To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

To pay at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Choose what costs to pay upon registration


To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

To be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

To pay at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

What costs should be included in the first invoice


Will be invoiced upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Due date {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Will be invoiced later

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

The invoice will be sent before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

The invoice will be sent at a later date

Will be invoiced upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Due date {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}


Needs to be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Needs to be paid as soon as possible

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Needs to be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Needs to be paid at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Please note that there are teams in the registration that will end up on the standby list
